Element Summary


Element Detail

Element: datasource-store

deleteAllDmlxs:stringThe SQL Query used to remove ALL assertions from the store.
deleteDmlxs:stringThe SQL Query used to remove a assertion from the store.
dsJndiNamexs:stringSets the JNDI name of the DS associated to this Store.
insertDmlxs:stringThe SQL Query used to add a new assertion to the store.
keysQueryxs:stringThe SQL Query used to retrieve all assertion ids. The first column for each row in the result set must be the assertion id.
loadAllQueryxs:stringThe SQL Query used to load all assertions from the store.

The columns in the result set must be in the following order : assertionId, userName, creationTime, lastAccessTime, accessCount, maxInactiveInterval, valid

loadQueryxs:stringThe SQL Query used to load one assertion from the store based on its id.

The columns in the result set must be in the following order : assertionId, userName, creationTime, lastAccessTime, accessCount, maxInactiveInterval, valid

example : SELECT assertionId, userName, creationTime, lastAccessTime, accessCount, maxInactiveInterval, valid FROM JOSSO_SESSION WHERE assertionId = ?

sizeQueryxs:stringThe SQL query used to retrieve the number of assertions in the store. The first column of the first row in the result set must be the number of assertions.

Element: jdbc-store

deleteAllDmlxs:stringThe SQL Query used to remove ALL assertions from the store.
deleteDmlxs:stringThe SQL Query used to remove a assertion from the store.
insertDmlxs:stringThe SQL Query used to add a new assertion to the store.
keysQueryxs:stringThe SQL Query used to retrieve all assertion ids. The first column for each row in the result set must be the assertion id.
loadAllQueryxs:stringThe SQL Query used to load all assertions from the store.

The columns in the result set must be in the following order : assertionId, userName, creationTime, lastAccessTime, accessCount, maxInactiveInterval, valid

loadQueryxs:stringThe SQL Query used to load one assertion from the store based on its id.

The columns in the result set must be in the following order : assertionId, userName, creationTime, lastAccessTime, accessCount, maxInactiveInterval, valid

example : SELECT assertionId, userName, creationTime, lastAccessTime, accessCount, maxInactiveInterval, valid FROM JOSSO_SESSION WHERE assertionId = ?

sizeQueryxs:stringThe SQL query used to retrieve the number of assertions in the store. The first column of the first row in the result set must be the number of assertions.